back to the future?

and they're off...

Church of Swinetology (sausages)

the Last Regiment of Syncopated Drummers

the Last Regiment of Syncopated Drummers

heh. Thought this was a derby cart at first...

Use the PBR Luke!

it's a bloody fossil!

the clergy were well represented this year

jock itch?

look, it's the Pope!

Pope on a slope (ow!)

did they really build that?

ooooh! Barracuda.

the Critical Mass Popemobile

typical crap, or are they shoes?

work it baby!

Noah, demonstrating the size of a cubit

following behind was a unicorn


zoom zoom

a carrot cart

a speeding blackjack table (I kid you not!)

a speeding travel trailer

first and second (not necessarily in that order)

third place

towing 'em back up